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September 28, 2006

An Open Letter

Vivian and Conaway have cross-posted a co-written letter concerning the use of racial ephitets in the Senate race here in Virginia.
Some have used this inquiry as a opportunity to throw around racial epithets themselves. We contend that doing so is reflective of a lack of racial sensitivity that both candidates have indicated that they lacked in the past. Further, we contend that this desensitizes the readers to the real issues of race that are still with us. We find such behavior unacceptable and implore our colleagues to refrain from engaging in such behavior.
Go to either of their blogs to read the whole thing.

For the record, I have not used these words the way some others have. The N-word is a no-go; if it has ever crossed my lips or my pen, it was in reference to a book (To Kill A Mockingbird or Huckleberry Finn are a couple possibilities). I never use the term otherwise because of the strong emotions evoked by it. I am anything but PC, but there are some lines I will not cross. Likewise, I have avoided the use of the M-word. I still do not believe that Senator Allen was being racist, but seeing the reaction to it, it makes no sense to make that word a part of my normal vocabulary, as it may now evoke the same emotions as the N-word. And it has been rather disturbing to read a number of Virginia's blogs recently. These words are supposed to be offensive, and more interestingly, it seems like Webb-supporting bloggers have used it even more. Why the liberal (in more ways than one) use of these words?